
エートス活動 再建への4ステップ

各ワーキンググループの取り組みを、@shinop_k さんが、

(元資料 JAEA-Review 2010-022 )

再建への4ステップ (PDF。印刷時A3サイズ)



twitter へのリンク

 twitter 上の ハッシュタグで、活動しています。

■ #エートス  エートス全般の話題

■ #エートス訳  資料翻訳についての話題

■ #エートスいわき いわきでのエートス活動についての話題

■ #エートス郡山     郡山でのエートス活動についての話題


12/18 久之浜企画 対話記録

2011年12月18日 いわき市久之浜町 久之浜第一小学校で開かれた勉強会内の対話記録を文字おこししたものを掲載します。
(とりあえず、先に編集完了した セッション1のみ先行公開します。)

なお、今回の対話記録の公開については、ご参加下さったジャーナリストの江川紹子さんを除いては、Session1 については、参加者の承諾を得ておらず、安東量子の一存によって公開する事にしました。Session2については、連絡の取れた方からの承諾を得ております。

★セッション1  (文字起こし、レイアウト @pinocchio87 さん。感謝。)

★セッション2 (文字起こし @1000_seeds さん、レイアウト・編集 @pinocchio87 さん。感謝)

★アンケート集計 (集計 @Non_Take さん。感謝。)

 以下、アンケート集計をして下さった @Non_Take さんのコメントです。





@wish_peace さんの作成途中のエートス郡山のページができています。 
ETHOS in Koriyama -- http://ethos-koriyama.blogspot.com/

現在は、ツイッターでのハッシュタグ、#エートス郡山 での議論が長くなって追いづらくなったので、@wish_peace さんが、簡単にまとめておられます。エートス郡山と、福島のエートス(=私たち)は、協同して作業を行っていきます。エートス郡山は郡山での具体的な事柄に有効に使っていただけると良いと思います。

これまでの経過から、いわきの安東さんの活動と、エートス全体としての作業や記録は、ETHOS in Fukushima (=ここ)に継続してアーカイブしていきます。役に立つと思われる資料など、適宜リンクするなりご自由に参照してください。

== a brief summary of the above ==
Now, a new web site for ETHOS in Koriyama is up and running, which is organized by @wish_peace (twitter) active on the hash-tag #エートス郡山 .
We, the people in ETHOS in Fukushima, will work together with the people in Koriyama.

ETHOS in Koriyama will be used for the discussion of concrete activities concerning the daily life of citizens of Koriyama city.  ETHOS in Fukushima (= this site) continues to archive all necessary information of ETHOS activity in general, and the activities in Iwaki, led by Ms Ando.




Here is the report of the local meeting held at Hisanohama, Iwaki, by
our lead Ryoko Ando and some volunteers.


I translated it to English below and please see both at once.

18 Dec Event report at Hisanohama Daiichi elementary school

I held community meeting, joining Xmas event held at Iwaki Hisanohama
Daiichi elementary school on 18 Dec. The contents were; 1st, playing
picture-story show about radioactivity; 2nd, putting a video on
screen; finally, having conversation.
I did it twice, and on the second time, I skipped the video.
(translate annotation:
the picture-story can look here:
and the video is the record of local radiation understanding meeting
held on Sep.)

(Photo) Hisanohama Daiichi elementary school

Hisanohama were designated as the sheltering area at the early stage
of accident.
So the school were closed for a period of time, but it decontaminated
and reopened on 11 Oct.
The classroom that used as a meeting room marked less than 0.1uSv/h.

(Photo) First meeting, joined 20 or less people.
Some elder people were also joined.

But elder people seemed that they could not catch up, (maybe they
could not accept the terms itself) so they leaved soon after starting
the video.
At the meeting, some people told "deep" in their self introduction at
first, but their reactions were weak on the video.
I suppose the weak reaction come from the gap between severe reality
shown on their self-introduction and scientific knowledge. (If there
were lecturer on the meeting, the result would be different, but with
only a video, it showed only some "knowledge".)

(Photo) So I wind up the video and introduced the slides on the screen
that translated by volunteer members; "Rehabilitation of Living
Conditions After a Nuclear Accident Lessons From Chernobyl".
(translate annotation; here are your slides! :)
This could catch a lot of attention. Some people bring back the
provided printout.

(Photo) introducing Belarus on map, with relative position between Chernobyl.

(Photo) opinions in the meeting
"I don't understand many units and terms"
"Discrimination voices from outer area; "
 (In Iwaki city)
  to refugees; "cumbersome" "rich" "unpleasant look in their eyes"
 (from outer prefecture)
  told that not to say from Fukushima, buggage sent were disposed,
painted "Don't come from Iwaki" on their cars
"Just want to live as usual; So I need a chance for that"
"People outside see our land as disgraced, uninhabitable"
"How much is the radiation?"
"Is it safe to eat?"
"It marks about 0.3-0.8uSv/h, 2mSv for a year, very worrying"
" "Do not send things from Iwaki"… I am afraid that children are safe or not"
"I want to build their hometown for my grandchildren, but I can not call them"
"I want to make a future, so I want to understand"
"I want to live in my familiar Hisanohama without any anxiety, working
in the fields.
 Are there any radiation from before?"
 "Take me back my hometown"
 "I want information, not worrying too much and not being too
optimistic, want to balance them"

Some people showed positive opinions, and some were not.
ETHOS introductions seemed very resonated for positive people against
their reality.

At the second time, I skipped the video and played picture-story and
had conversation. There were people from Iwaki and volunteer members
from outer prefecture, half and half, totally about 10.

Personally I felt differnce of awareness between outer people and local people.
Outer people told generaly and local people told concretely.
The cross-purposed opinions had an effect to show them clearly, but I
felt the serious difficulty.
Now I am going to transcribe the conversation to text and show them.

(Photo) The other classrooms were decolated for Xmas.
I hope that this can be your reference and if possible please give us
your advices.




Sorry not to have responded to you earlier. I have been quite busy during the Christmas time with the family.
I read with interest the report of the local meeting by Ms Ando.

It is always difficult to have meetings with people from affected areas if these meetings are not focused on concrete actions that they can implement to improve their situation. Trying to pass basic knowledge about radiation to people who have not heard any thing about radiation before (and particularly to elderly people) is a challenge. My experience is that it is generally counterproductive. People feel discouraged in front of what is perceived as very complex and the result is that they are more discouraged and frustrated than before. They generally come to such meeting full of hope to learn what is important or not, what to do and how to behave, and they get out disappointed. At the beginning of the Ethos projects we organized a few of such meetings and we realized quite rapidly that they were useless. This is the reason that pushed us to embark the people in some concrete actions like measurements of ambient dose rates for example. Then based on the results in their home we started to discuss about their concerns and this generally lead us to initiate concrete projects with the help of the people.

The opinions you have translated are quite informative. They are very similar to those we heard 20 years ago in the villages of Belarus when we started the Ethos Project. They reflect quite well the aspiration of the people. They want to live in the place they used to live before with enough knowledge to take care about the new situation but without being too worry about it. This can only be achieved by developing the so-called practical radiation protection culture that emerged from the Ethos approach.










Lochard さんからの返事の和訳。(Japanese)

ジャック=ロシャールさんは、フランスのCEPN (放射線影響研究所)の方ですが、ICRPの委員もされています。

1. 次のICRP『対話』ミーティングに関して。

2. 日本全国と地元での状況について。

20 mSv/年を基準にするという決断は良い知らせです。これで、多くの人が早期に家に帰る事ができる。もちろん、根拠のあるかぎりできるだけ、(可能なら1mSv/年以下に)可能な放射線防護行動をとるのが目標になります。これは、大部分の汚染地域において、長期的にしか達成できない野心的な目標に見えるかもしれませんが、手の届かない目標ではない。フィルムバッジを小学校の生徒につけた最初の結果からみると、十分なんとかなる感じがします。再びチェルノブイリの経験のことを話すと、地域でちゃんとした実用的放射線防護文化が作り上げられると、1mSv/年よりずっと下に下げたままにすることは可能です。状況を改善するのにあてることのできる重要な資源の日本での状況と、特にインターネットを使った高度な技術、また、当然のことですが、できるだけ早期に状況を回復させたいという地域の人々の希望を考えると、日本での過程は、旧ソ連の時より、もっと短くなると確信しています。


Lochard さんから。2月のICRP『対話』ミーティングと、状況の分析。






1. Concerning the next Dialogue Meeting. 
It will take place in Date city Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 February in the City Hall. As far as the programme of the meeting is concerned, it is not yet fixed in details. The focus will be of course on the problems the city of Date is facing but it is also intended to discuss general issues of interest for all the affected areas. In this perspective it would be good to have a presentation of the activities of your group. I think that the best for you at this stage is to contact Professor Ohtsura Niwa, member of the ICRP Main Commission, who is the local coordinator of the Fukushima Dialogue Initiative supported by ICRP. Discussing together you will define what is most appropriate for the programme.

2. About the national and local situation.
I am very pleased to learn that Ethos In Fukushima is progressing. I visit regularly the site and I am very impressed about its rapid expansion. You mention that the fear of radiation is slowly vanishing outside the affected areas around Fukushima. This is good to know because there is really no objective reasons for being scared taking into account the extremely low levels of exposure. I can also imagine that the people who have been affected are full of interrogations about their future, especially those who have left their villages. A key issue will be however to maintain strong links (social, economic and cultural) between the affected areas and the rest of the country and I could say also with the rest of world. The experience of Chernobyl has shown that over time the stigma of the territories and their inhabitants is a serious issue and it is important to take action early against this risk. 

The decision about the 20 mSv is a good news. This will allow many people to return to their home soon. Of course the objective will be to implement all feasible protection actions to reduce and maintain exposure as low as reasonably achievable if possible below 1 mSv. This may be seen as an ambitious objective only attainable in the long term for the most contaminated places, however it is not out of reach. The first results concerning the dose received by school children wearing film badges are very encouraging. Here again the Chernobyl experience shows that it is possible to reduce and maintain doses well below 1 mSv/year when a solid practical radiation protection culture is developed within the population. I am fully convinced that the process in Japan will be much shorter than in the CIS because of the important resources that your country will be able to allocate to improve the situation, the technical sophistication that you can deploy especially in the IT field and of course the willingness of the population to recover as soon as possible. 

You are right to say that in the long term the control of internal contamination will certainly become the main problem. This was the case in the affected areas around Chernobyl. Although the Fukushima situation is quite different from the Chernobyl one on many aspects, the system of radiological control (foodstuffs and persons) that emerged during the Ethos project and was later on implemented with success in the context of the Core programme, could certainly serve as a model (a starting point) to develop an effective system of control of internal exposure engaging the population in the affected villages around Fukushima and favoring the development of the indispensable radiation protection culture for living in a contaminated area. You will find here attached a PPT in French describing the system of control that was developed in the Bragin district in the Core programme. Some of the slides have been used for my presentation at the Ministry of Environment. If you need further information please let me know.