Ryoko Ando attended "ICRP 2015: The 3rd International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection" held in Seoul, Korea on 20-22 October 2015, and made a presentation titled as "Measuring, Discussing and Living Together ― What We Learned from Four Years in Suetsugi".
You can see the presentation on the ICRP website as follows:
- 発表概要/Abstract
After the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident, three "lines" -- 30 km, 0.23 μSv/h and ND -- were created by the norm by the Japanese Government. This presentation explains how these "lines" brought confusion in the daily life of people, and how activities in Suetsugi district, Iwaki city, coped with these "lines". - 発表原稿/Paper
- スライド/Slides(PDF)
- 発表動画/Presentation video(YouTube)
- パネルセッションの動画/Panel session video(YouTube)
On the discussion in the panel session, I have been asked my comment about how the radiation protection experts played their role. I replied that protection experts have not been helpful at all for us.
会場では、詳細は説明しませんでしたが、いわゆる専門家の方たちは、「社会」という観点が非常に薄く、数字ばかりを見ていたため、社会に広範 に影響を及ぼした事態に対応できなかったということだと思っております。
Nevertheless I explained shortly on the spot, I think that the so-called experts hardly had a viewpoint as "society" but only pursued figures, therefore they could not react the situation which widely affected to the society.
当日の英語発表、そして、英文原稿作成に関しては、友人である荒井多鶴子さんから多大な協力をいただきました。 彼女の助力なしには、すべてできなかったことです。
The speech in English on the day and the preparation for the presentation were made with great assistance from my friend, Ms Tazuko Arai. Nothing would be achieved without her help.
I would like to express gratitude from the bottom of my heart.