英文誌『Clinical Oncology』に、安東の原稿「Reclaiming Our Lives in the Wake of a Nuclear Plant Accident」(翻訳:荒井多鶴子さん)が掲載されました。
Ando's essay "Reclaiming Our Lives in the Wake of a Nuclear Plant Accident", translated by Ms Tazuko Arai, has been published in Clinical Oncology.
Ryoko Ando lives and works in Iwaki-shi, which is located in the coastal area of Fukushima Prefecture. On 11 March 2011, Iwaki was hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami. Then the nuclear plant accident at Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, also located in the coastal area of Fukushima Prefecture, added to the woes of Iwaki residents. Although Iwaki-shi is outside of the ‘restricted area’ set up by the government in the 20 km radius around the nuclear power plant, some municipalities in Iwaki-shi lie within the 30 km radius zone. The residents of Iwaki were naturally concerned about the effects of radioactive contamination. On top of these, they had to confront a wide range of issues, including confusion and miscommunication, reputation risk and infrastructural constraints due to the influx of residents from the ‘restricted area’.
Visit the journal website for the main text.
オリジナルの日本語原稿は、親鸞仏教センター発行『アンジャリ』27号に「暮らしを、ふたたび、とりもどす ―原発事故の後で―」のタイトルで掲載されています。
The original Japanese language version was published in Anjali No. 27 issued from The Center for Shin Buddhist Studies.