
動画「信頼を取り戻す・末続地区の経験ー原発事故の後で」Video "Regaining Confidence after the Fukushima Accident: the Story of the Suetsugi Community"

We have developed a half-hour video about our radiometry activities in collaboration between Ethos in Fukushima and residents in Suetsugi community, Hisanohama town, Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture since 2012.

Now it is published with permission from the people involved.

これまでの測定の概要とエッセンスがわかりやすくまとめられています。 英語の字幕付きのバージョンも用意いたしました。
The essence is well outlined in this summary of the measurements done so far. English subtitled version is also available.

We are deeply grateful to all the people who offered help and assistance for this video development.


"Regaining Confidence after the Fukushima Accident: the Story of the Suetsugi Community" (32minutes 58seconds)

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