「福島ダイアログ:南相馬、小高のいま、未来を共有するための対話集会 ~国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)の協力による対話の継続~」
On 10-11 February,
the " Fukushima Dialogue to share current situations and the future of
Odaka area of Minami-soma City Continuing the dialogue in cooperation
with the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)"
will be held.
11日(日)は、南相馬市民情報交流センター 2F マルチメディアホールを会場として、ダイアログを行います。こちらは一般公開となっておりますので、どなた様でもご自由にお越し下さい。
〈10日(土)の現地見学について〉【*要事前申し込み 1月28日〆切】
Minami-soma City was greatly damaged by the earthquake and tsunami from the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011. After the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company, an evacuation was forced on the Odaka area and a part of Minami-soma City without allowing residents to search for missing persons. After the re-categorization of evacuation areas in April 2011, Minami-soma City was divided into four zones; Restricted Zone, Zone in Preparation for Evacuation in case of Emergency, Specific Spots Recommended for Evacuation, and the normal zone. The population outside of the restricted zone was reduced by 80% at one point, and this caused great confusion to the normal social life of the residents, in addition to the severe damage already caused by the earthquake and tsunami.
In May 2014, the 8th ICRP dialogue seminar was held at “Yumehat” in the Haramachi area of Minami-soma City. This dialogue seminar focused on complicated situations in the area.
On July 12, 2016, the evacuation order was lifted from the Odaka area and a part of Minami-soma City, and most of the residents of Minami-soma City, excluding a few homes, could return to their normal lives. The resident population of Minami-soma City is 57,307 (71,561 before the disaster) and that of the Odaka area is 2,289 (12,842 before the disaster), as of 31 October 2017. While the restoration of infrastructure has progressed and social lives have gradually been regained, the recovery in areas affected by the tsunami and where the evacuation order was enforced has just begun, and these recovery efforts have still only reached the halfway point for the areas where the evacuation order was not enforced. In the areas where there was no damage caused by the tsunami, the social structure has been greatly changed due to the prolonged evacuation order, and it will take a long time before the state of social arrangement is able to adapt to the new situation.
While the difference originating from each situation after the disaster still greatly affects resident’s lives, we will share in this dialogue seminar what kind of challenges exist in this district. There will be a focus on the Odaka area where the evacuation order was lifted in July 2016, and what kind of future we desire, as well as calling for the participation of those who have attended the past dialogue seminars.
2月10日(土)/10 Feb (Sat)
Minami-soma City field tour *Authorized personnel / available for the general public. Advanced registration is required.
Reception will be held in Royal Hotel Maruya.
2月11日(日)/11 Feb (Sun)
会場:南相馬市情報交流センター 2F マルチメディアホール(一般公開・聴講自由)
※原ノ町駅徒歩3分 駐車場:2時間まで無料、以降1時間100円
Minami-soma City Information Exchange Centre, Multimedia Hall at 2nd floor
*3 min from Haranomachi Station. Parking available (2 hours for free, and 100 JPY per hour of additional fees will apply.)
*Open and free to participate, simultaneous interpretation available by Hirano Co. Ltd.
連絡先:福島のエートス ethos.fukushima@gmail.com

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