2016年9月11日から14日にかけて、南オーストラリア、アデレードで開催される ARPS2016 Conference に福島のエートス代表安東量子も参加いたします。
Ryoko Ando, representative of Ethos in Fukushima, will participate in the ARPS 2016 Conference which will be held on 11 - 14 September 2016 in Adelaide, South Australia.
Ando will make a presentation on Wednesday 14.
In addition to the current situation in Fukushima, it will be introduced how the regulations set by the authorities affected to the lifestyle of residents in the presentation after the accident of TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi NPP.
招請くださいましたEPA(南オーストラリア州 環境保護局)、渡航にあたってご協力くださった皆さまに心から感謝申しあげます。南オーストラリア、アデレードでお会いしましょう。
We greatly appreciate the invitation from EPA (Environmental Protection Authority of South Australia) and the assistance on this passage from all of you. Let us meet in Adelaide!
(関連記事 Related Article)
ARPS2016での発表原稿とスライド/Manuscript and slides of ARPS 2016 presentation
原子力災害後の福島で暮らすということ。それでも、ここでの暮らしは素晴らしく、よりよい未来を手渡す事ができるということ。自分たち自身で、測り、知り、考え、私とあなたの共通の言葉を探すことを、いわきで小さく小さく続けています。 mail: ethos.fukushima@gmail.com
2016年7月9日、10日 飯舘フォローアップダイアログセミナー/Iitate Follow-up Dialogue Seminar on 9-10 July 2016
Host: Executive Committee of Iitate Follow-up Dialogue Seminar
Responsible person: Ryoko Ando (Ethos in Fukushima)
Supported by: Iitate Village, Nippon Foundation
On 9-10 July 2016, Iitate Follow-up Dialogue Seminar was held in Iitate Village.
目的(プログラムより)/ Objective (from the program above)
2013年7月の第6回ダイアログセミナー、2014年12月の第10回をはじめとし、飯舘村の方たちには、これまで開かれたICRPダイアログセミナーへ積極的にご協力とご参加をいただいてきた。The inhabitants of Iitate Village have been positively cooperating with, and participating in the 6thand 10thICRP dialogue seminars that were held on July 2013 and December 2014 respectively.
Five years has passed since the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The Japanese government has plans to lift all of the evacuation orders with the exception of difficult-to-return zones, including Iitate Village.
There are many strong people in Iitate Village who have been making great effort to deal with and overcome various problems during this arduous period. It is, however, sometimes difficult to share these experiences in an open environment. Therefore, it was decided to hold the Iitate Village follow-up dialogue seminar to discuss the current situation in the village.
Past participants are encouraged to attend this dialogue in order to share their experiences from the last dialogue up until the present. New participants are also welcome to attend the seminar in order to understand different situations in the village.
It is hoped that this dialogue seminar will be useful for the inhabitants of Iitate Village to share their stories and plans for the future.
7月9日/9th July
On 9 July, we've visited six places in Iitate Village; Mr Muneo Kanno's farm in Sasu Area, Mr Takeshi Yamada's farm in Sekine-Matsuzuka area, Mrs Kuni and Mr Motoichi Kanno's house in Kusano area, the experimental site in Hiso area which is investigating the water quality effect of the buried contaminated soil, special elderly nursing home "Iitate Home" and Mr Fumiyoshi Aizawa's house in Ohkubo-Yosouchi area.
At Mr Muneo Kanno's farm, we've listened about the cooperative projects with universities and research institutes, and then visited greenhouses where experiments in various conditions are being conducted.
All these experiments have been recorded and the data have been accumulated.
Besides his house, experimental rice culture has been done. In such experimental cultures done so far, much lower values than the limit were detected. However, the concern is strong among inhabitants that cesium from the forest could flow into rice fields again since the decontamination of the forest has not been completed. Because of this, he told us that many people are hesitant to restart rice cultivation.
And he told us that the volunteer group "Resurrection of Fukushima", gathered from other prefectures and are based on his house, is engaging in various actions across the village, e.g. measurements, experimental decontamination, and substantiative cultivation experiment.
Mr Takeshi Yamada is planning to convert former rice fields to pasture land after decontamination.
Currently, he is working on burying furrow soil of the rice fields under the deep earth layer where were left out of the official cropland decontamination.
It is said a furrow does not be classified as cropland according to the Agricultural Land Law. However, measurement results clearly show higher radiation reading on the undecontaminated furrow area. He can't force cows not to eat grass on furrows while grazing, and officials won't decontaminate furrows even how eagerly he negotiated, so he decided to cope with this problem by covering furrows with weed-proof sheets or by burying the soil deeply.
He told us that he will start trial grazing from on September, prudently confirming step by step how much of cesium will be taken into the body of cattle. His idea to convert rice fields to pasture land is based on his thought that it is the best way to reserve vast cropland preventing from desolation since there would be few people to resume rice cultivation even after the lift of the evacuation order.
Other than this approach, a mega solar power plant and greenhouse flower cultivation are planned to be operated in Sekine-Matsuzuka area.
Then we've visited Mrs Kuni and Mr Motoichi Kanno's log house, which is built with "Igune" (cedar trees which have been planted in the backyard of each house) hewed down through the decontamination.
Igune logs, which were once planted by Motoichi's father when Motoichi was born, had been left unused since they had been hewn down in the decontamination work.
The couple hoped to utilize these logs in some way, and they measured the logs minutely. The result was far below the standard value. So they decided to build this "vertical log house" using the logs, with the cooperation of a builder. All the walls are made of cedar logs.
While planning, a friend of them in Iitate Village had offered to provide Igune logs which were also hewed down by the decontamination of his house. When we've visited, there are tags on each log to identify where it comes from.
They told us that they hope this log house will become one of the symbols of the reconstruction of Iitate Village.
In the next, we've visited Hiso area to see the experimental site which is investigating the water quality effect of the contaminated soil buried underground.
On cropland which is the center of Hiso area, decontamination wastes are piled up high having nowhere to go. This experiment was conducted to investigate the consequences in the case that such wastes were buried underground.
Since Iitate Village is located at a high altitude and is a water source, so there is a strong concern from people living in the lower reaches that radioactivities could dissolve out into the water from Iitate Village.
This experiment can also give the answer to such concern. This substantiative experiment has shown that the cesium will hardly dissolve out into the water even if contaminated soil is buried.
比曽地区の取組と課題については、翌日10日の岩瀬広さんの発表に詳しく述べられています。 Issues and activities in Hiso area are discussed closely in Mr Hiroshi Iwase's presentation made on the next day.
At a house in Hiso, it was introduced that Igune decontamination examination is underway. Here it was also pointed out that the divergence between the hard-and-fast MOE decontamination policy and the local demands and reality has become a major obstacle.
Special elderly nursing home "Iitate Home" has stayed in the village as an exception of the whole village designation as the Planned Evacuation Zone in May 2011.
地震が起きた際のホームの様子を写真を交えて三瓶政美施設長からお話しいただきました。 Mr Masami Sanpei, the head of the home, introduced the situation when the earthquake occurred with some photos.
In the midst of the blackout, the staff struggled to continue the caring by helping each other. Measuring dose rate all around the home, they judged it is not necessarily needed to evacuate and decided to stay in the village considering the burden on the patients first. He explained with illustrations how people in other nursing facilities in the evacuation zone were forced to move from place to place for a long distance to find their accommodation.
There had been more than 100 people living in the home at the time of the disaster, however currently there are 38 people. He told us showing photos taken after the disaster that many people in the photos have been already passed away.
He also addressed some issues after the lift of the evacuation order. One of them is that currently there is hardly any prospect to restart short-term services, e.g. day care and short stay, from the manpower shortage, and another is that regarding the mandated formulation of an emergency evacuation plan, there is a heavy burden of planning evacuation which is determined to be carried out by each business operator.
At last on the day, we've visited Mr Fumiyoshi Aizawa's house in Ohkubo-Yosouchi area.
Ohkubo-Yosouchi area has been taking on dose rate measurements as a project of the area from before the decontamination, cooperating with Fukushima University and Niigata University, and the results have been openly shared. Individual decisions for the future are respected, however as a premise, the situation should be properly ascertained by ourselves. This is the common understanding of the headmen of each self-governing divisions, and they have led the activities.
Regarding the issues after the lift of the evacuation order, it was mentioned that the important thing is how to maintain and manage the cropland looking toward 5 to 10 years ahead under the tough situation which one can't prospect to make a living by resuming agriculture. Concretely speaking, the most important point to maintain the cropland is to control weed grown rampantly in the summer. Currently, the area continues the training for the production of alternative crops like buckwheat.
7月10日/10th July
10日のダイアログでは、まず、午前中に以下の発表が行われました。In the dialogue held on 10 July, at first, the following presentations were made in the morning.
- 安東量子 Ryoko Ando, 飯舘村フォローアップダイアログセミナー視察
- 石井秀樹 Hideki Ishii
- 岩瀬広 Hiroshi Iwase, Hiso in 5 years 比曽の5年後
- 宮崎真 Makoto Miyazaki, D-shuttleに関する経験の共有
- ラブランス・スクートルッド Lavrans Skuterud, Iitate field tour, 9 July 2016 – a Norwegian viewpoint
- 大谷暁永 Akihisa Ohgai
- 木幡房実 Fusami Kowata, 発表原稿
In the afternoon dialogue session, some young people have joined the discussion in addition to the people who attended to the visit trip on the first day.
There were relatively older people who have a positive view for the return after the lift of the evacuation order and the area rehabilitation. On the other hand, opinions from young generations were heard, such as many of them already have built their house in Fukushima City and few still say to return, and they can't have the pride to be from current Iitate Village.
Furthermore, afflictions of young generation were told for the situation they are urged to decide immediately to return or not, withal it should be contemplated in a longer timespan of 10 to 20 years for their own life plan, or for their Village and families.
In response to these opinions, discussions were held in terms of what the Village can do to make itself which young generations can take pride in, and which they can spontaneously want to return to.
Please also refer to the presentation made by Mr Ted Lazo from OECD/NEA for the visit and the dialogue held on the second day.
We really appreciate the cooperation on the first day of the staff from Iitate Village Office, the school bus driver and the assistant. Without their careful consideration as local residents familiar around with the village, we couldn't carry out smoothly this visit trip with such a tight schedule.
And we would like to express our gratitude for the cooperation of the officials of Iitate Village, even though currently they are so busy to relocate the village office, and the staff of the "Kikori", the venue on the second day. When Kikori reopens its regular business, we'd like to visit again.
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2日目の会場となった「きこり」 Kikori, the venue on the second day |
Let us also take this opportunity to apologize for our own inadequacies as an organizer since this dialogue couldn't reflect the issues of the other areas which we couldn't invite people from, including Difficult-to-Return Zone which still exists in Iitate Village.
本文の記述の責任は、すべて安東量子にあります。お問い合わせや、誤記に関してのご指摘は、ethos.fukushima@gmail.com までお願いいたします。
All the responsibility for the contents of this article lies with Ryoko Ando. Please contact ethos.fukushima@gmail.com if you have any questions and if you find any inappropriate wording.
The summary video of the Iitate Follow-up Dialogue Seminar will be released soon. Please wait for a little while.
飯舘フォローアップダイアログセミナーのビデオを公開しました。The summary video of the Iitate Follow-up Dialogue Seminar has been released.
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