
東日本大震災及び東京電力福島第一原発事故から5 年を迎えるにあたって On the 5th Commemoration of the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Please see below for English translation.




福島のエートス代表 安東量子 

  As Ethos of Fukushima, we began our activities in the fall of 2011. Based on the belief that our first priority was to rebuild lives in the areas affected by the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami through autonomous efforts, we have been working on various radiation protection activities in cooperation with the residents of Suetsugi district in Iwaki-shi, Fukushima prefecture.

  Iwaki-shi recognized our activities as "Local model project to enhance understanding on radiation" in January 2015, and, consigned its implementation to Suetsugi-district. Through this administrative measure, said activities officially became formal self-help activities of Suetsugi-district, which included funding support from Iwaki-shi.

  The beginnings of our activities were humble, as some residents started trying voluntary initiatives. Four years after the Accident, we would not have been able to extend and broaden the reach of our self-motivated voluntary activities to this extent without your wide support. To that, we offer our deepest appreciation/gratitude.

  For the past five years, we have been committed to focusing on rebuilding daily lives in Suetsugi and refrained from commenting on social and political issues. However, the reality in year five is that while our efforts have lead to small but positive outcomes, the issues on radiation protection activities too serious and beyond the capabilities of local volunteers remain unresolved within Fukushima prefecture.

  The current radiological protection related policies of the Government of Japan (hereinafter "GOJ"), were developed/created in 2012, within the first year of the Accident and on the most part, remain untouched/unreviewed. In contrast, significant accumulation of data and vast amount of learnings are available today. Thus, we strongly urge the GOJ to utilize up-to-date information to review and update its policies on radiation protection to accurately reflect the realities of the affected areas.

  Specifically, in the five years following the Accident, the GOJ has yet to establish its official view on the long-term radiation exposure projection. As a result, faced with the reality where long-term, comprehensive and implementable policies for radiation protection cannot be developed/are not being developed, we are hugely troubled.

  On March 10, 2016, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced that the decisions regarding the policies on "Difficult to return zones" are to be determined by this summer. However, in the absence of official policies on radiation protection, or long-term projection on radiation, it seems highly unlikely that a realistic consensus, so basic and essential for future planning, can be reached. This causes deep concerns.

  At the same time, beyond meeting the official radiation protection policy standards, it is our strong desire that any future plan will be based on detailed structural design that fully reflect and incorporate the opinions/hopes of the area residents.

  Finally, it is our sincere hope that the GOJ will act with integrity and commit to doing its utmost so that the residents of affected areas, free from worries over future uncertainties, can embrace the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 together with the rest of the nation.

Ryoko Ando, Representative of Ethos in Fukushima


ICRPダイアログセミナー・ウェブドキュメンタリー公開のお知らせ Launch of web-documentary on ICRP Dialogue Seminar

A web-documentary on the ICRP Dialogue Seminar, which had been held from autumn 2011 to the end of 2015, was developed and launched.

As one of the participants and cooperators with the Dialogue Seminar, Ethos in Fukushima have cooperated the development of this web-documentary.

A message from Mr Jacques Repussard, Director General of IRSN:
Madam, Sir,

Five years ago, the Fukushima Prefecture experienced an exceptionally severe earthquake, a devastating tsunami and the unprecedented meltdown of three reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The following radioactive releases contaminated large areas and profoundly upset the life of the inhabitants.

In the autumn 2011 the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) initiated together with a few local and international partners the 'Dialogue for the rehabilitation of living conditions after the Fukushima accident’ to meet the challenges that the population would have to face for years. Among other partners, the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) attended and supported the twelve meetings organized until the end of 2015.
2011年の秋、国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)は、人々が時間をかけて向き合わねばならない難問に対処するために、いくつかの国内外のパートナーと共に「福島事故後の生活環境改善のためのダイアログ」をはじめました。そのパートナー の中でも、フランス放射線防護核安全研究所(IRSN)は、2015年末までの間に開催された 12回の会合に参加し、支援してまいりました。

As you have contributed to the organization of the Dialogue and also participated actively to the meetings I have the pleasure to inform you that IRSN and the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA), in partnership with the “Ethos in Fukushima” NPO, decided to develop a web documentary to keep alive the memory of the Dialogue and also to share widely in Japan and abroad the experiences and main lessons learned together during the twelve meetings.
ダイアログの成り立ちにおいてご貢献いただき、また集まりに積極的にご参加頂いた皆さまに、この度、ダイアログの記録を残し、そして、12回の集まりの中で共に得た経験と教訓を日本国内外で広く共有するために、私どもIRSNとノルウェー放射線防護庁(NRPA)が、NPO「福島のエートス」との協力のもとに、ウェブドキュメンタリーを制作いたしましたことを、 皆さまにお知らせできることは、私の喜びとするところです。

This web documentary will be available in three languages (Japanese, French and English) on internet the 10th of March at the following address : www.fukushima-dialogues.com.

I hope that the consultation of this unique document will give you “food for thought”, as it did for me, and would like to assure you that IRSN will stay committed in the societal initiatives which will continue in the Fukushima prefecture.
この比類ないドキュメンタリーをご参照いただくことが、私にとってそうであっ たように、皆さま方にとって「思考の糧」となりますことを願っております。 そして、IRSNは、今後も福島県で続いていく社会的な取組みに関わってまいりますことをお約束したいと思います。

Best regards.

Jacques Repussard


I would like to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart for your cooperation. I hope this will help to convey invaluable experiences and lessons learned which had gained in the Dialogue Seminar to many people.

One thing I would like to ask you all who visit the web-documentary, as one of the residents in Fukushima prefecture.

Almost all themes covered in the Dialogues held in these five years were the activities within the inhabited area, except for one Dialogue themed on Iitate village.

Some stories were told about the people from the evacuated area at the time of the Dialogues, but they were not largely focused.

This might be inevitable by the concept itself of the Dialogue Seminar, that to support self-help activities of the residents living in the radiation affected area, however, there is concern that the structure would be biased to some extent to understand the whole situation in Fukushima prefecture.

The Japanese Government is currently lifting the evacuation orders step by step, and it comes up with a policy to lift all the evacuation orders by March 2017, except for the difficult-to-return zone.

In these areas, people will be forced to face very difficult problems caused by the passage of time, e.g. the disrupted local communities, infrastructures and damaged houses, in addition to relatively high radiation dose compared to the areas where people have stayed.

このウェブドキュメンタリーをひとつの終着点としてではなく、福島のこれから続いていく長い取り組みの序章の5年間の記録としてご覧頂けまし たら、幸いです。
I hope this web-documentary would be seen not as a goal, but as a record of the five years of the prelude to the continuing and long-lasting efforts in Fukushma.

  2016年3月10日/10 March 2016
福島のエートス 代表 安東量子
Ryoko Ando, representative of Ethos in Fukushima