
2016年10月1日、2日 川内ダイアログセミナー資料/1-2 October, 2016 the materials of Kawauchi Dialogue Seminar

双葉地方におけるダイアログセミナー The rehabilitation of living conditions in the Futaba region
(2016年10月1日、2日、福島県双葉郡川内村/October 1-2, 2016, Kawauchi Village, Fukushima)

10月1日/October 1
Session1: The situation in the Futaba region

遠藤 雄幸(川内村・村長)


井出 茂(川内村商工会・会長)
  • 川内村商工会の復興に向けての役割
  • The role of trade and industry in Kawauchi

Session2: The socio-economic conditions for returning home

永沢 幸一(川内村住民)
  • 自らの震災からこれまでの経験
  • 自らの震災からこれまでの経験

林 薫平(福島大学・特任准教授)
  • 広野町の地域活動について

ワーキンググループ Working groups on the challenges of the rehabilitation of living conditions in the Futaba area

10月2日/October 2
Session3: Returning home: decontamination, waste management and environmental surveillance

  • 川内村の除染対策・廃棄物管理の現状

ワーキンググループ Working groups on the implications of the decontamination and the challenges of waste management

Session4: Supporting local activities and disseminating experience for the future of the Futaba region and beyond

  • 環境省の役割
宮崎 真(福島医大)
  • 双葉地域における福島医大の活動と楢葉でのD-shuttleを用いた測定の経験について


Report of Fukushima Dialogue, 25 November 2017 - Dialogue with residents of Yamakiya to share current situations

 On 25-26 November 2017, we held "Dialogue with residents of Yamakiya to share current situations" in Yamakiya district, Kawamata Town.

 On the first day, we had a tour around Yamakiya district. Gathered at Kawamata Town Office in the morning, and after having had a greeting from Mr Kanemasa Sato, the mayor of Kawamata Town, we set off in two separate buses. The following description is based on the schedule of the group which Ando had attended.

 Yamakiya district is in the Abukuma highlands. Nevertheless located in the mountain area, the terrain is very gentry-sloping around there, letting you forget the fact that you are on the mountaintop. Agriculture had flourished since long ago, and also the land had been used for grazing since before the war, utilizing the gentle terrain. Cattle grazing had been active before the disaster, and it is told that military horses had been also raised before the war. This tells the long history as a rangeland.

 Climbing long stairs, we first visited Yasaka Shrine, which has a roof covered with copper sheeting. At the shrine, a performance called "Sanbiki-shishimai (dance of three lions)", which is told it has a history more than 300 years, is offered on every October. This custom had been paused by the evacuation order from the accident. But following the lift of the order, the performance is resumed on October 2017, the first time in seven years. Originally, performers should be boys around ten or eleven years old, but this time adults performed instead since there are few children in the district.

 We heard some stories of troubles, e.g. they started to patrol around the shrine while the period of the evacuation order, especially to secure the copper sheeting of the roof from robbery.
 Unfortunately it got cold on the day, and it snowed and hailed while we visited the Yasaka shrine, so we turned up the collar of our coat while the visit.

 Then, we visited Ms Kuniko Hirono, who cultivates lisianthus. Yamakiya has been known as one of the best lisianthus-producing districts from way back, for its rich flower colour brought from the temperature difference and its high quality.
 The sudden NPP accident and the following evacuation order had forced to discontinue the production. Not a few people had nothing to do at the refuge as they lost their farmworks, but within them, she told that she worked hard instead as a board member of the temporary houses and so on. Even from before of the lift of the evacuation order it had been allowed to resume the production of lisianthus in Yamakiya, but she told that at the early stage she had been dispirited seeing ruined greenhouse by heavy snowfall after the evacuation and so on. Even so, she was encouraged by some factors, such as that marketers told there is hardly any reputational damage for lisianthus. Consulting with her family, she finally has managed to resume the production, with rebuilt facilities such as greenhouses by utilizing subsidies and so on. It was impressive that she told smiling that she loves lisianthus.

 However, while the production pause, some new variations of lisianthus have been introduced, and market preferences have been changed for flower training (arrangement of branches and number of flowers). So some trial and error were needed to update the situation awareness, but with this effort, she becomes able to keep the satisfactory quality, and the market also values it highly. I realized that producer-side efforts are also needed to update the situation when restarting production for flowers and ornamental plants, which are influenced by the technical advance and the fashion of the times.
 She told that now her biggest trouble is short of hands, since from decreased population by the evacuation, there are few neighbours who come and help farmwork in a busy season. She concluded her talk by saying that one will enjoy agriculture, especially the culture of lisianthus, so if there are young people who want to try it, she welcomes them to join.

 Next, we visited the forest verification site in Yamakiya district. Chiba University and other institutes continuously observe the dynamism of cesium in the forest. This time we had an on-site explanation from Dr Tatsuaki Kobayashi from Chiba University.

 He explained that the continuous investigation here shows that the most part of cesium-137 stays in the forest floor. Cesium is hardly flown out to the outside water, and mostly stored in the forest. Especially in the forest floor, cesium stays in black and soft soil within about five-centimeter depth, and no tendency is observed to sink into the deeper soil. And he told the absorption of cesium-137 into timber varies by the tree species. In case of red pine there is virtually no absorption, but in case of Quercus serrata it slightly absorbs and transfers cesium. That said, even in case of Quercus serrata, the overwhelming majority of cesium-137 is deposited on the bark in the current situation. Still it seems we need to keep the situation monitored.

 In the afternoon we resumed the tour by visiting a temporary storage site of decontamination wastes located in Yamakiya district. A part of the decontamination wastes, stored in the place which had once been ricefield, is currently being transferred to intermediate storage facilities. There are totally 22 temporary storage sites in Yamakiya district, and the total amount of the stored decontamination wastes is about 220,000 bags. Within them, as of 30 November, 100,000 bags are already transferred and about 100,000 bags still remain.

 We would like to thank people from Fukushima Regional Environmental Administration Office of Ministry of Environment, and on-site management people, despite it being a holiday.
ReferenceKawamata Town webpage for temporary storage sites (Japanese)

 Finally, we visited Mr Kinichi Ouchi in Yagi area. The entire Yamakiya district is a place of scenic beauty surrounded by gentle hills, and furthermore, Yagi area is prominent within the district. So the scenery from his house was excellent. It was impressive that he often told he wish to protect and care the beautiful scenery.

 He told that the disaster came just when things were going smoothly for his farm of the greenhouse cultivation of mini tomato after many troubles. The NPP accident and evacuation ruined the farm, just after he'd thought he can take some repose. Because he had to care his old mother at that time, he evacuated after the completion of temporary housing construction to avoid multiple movements during the evacuation. He also worked as a board member of the temporary houses, rather harder than he and his wife had before the disaster. Still, every day he visited his house twice a day, taking two hours once, to feed his dog left at the house. The only time he couldn't go was when heavy snow had blocked the road, and even at that time, he walked to the house pushing the snow aside, after driving a car up to halfway, as soon as the snow had been cleared from the nearby main road. He said he is currently preparing to start greenhouse cultivation of anthurium, not an edible product which has a concern for reputational damage. Questioned that how official supports from the government, municipality and experts helped his business, he answered that he expects nothing from such official supports. He told he had done everything by himself from before the disaster, and still he is doing.


2017年11月25日 福島ダイアログ「山木屋の住民の方たちと現状を共有するダイアログ」1日目ご報告






  ついで、トルコキキョウを栽培されている広野邦子さんのところを訪れました。山木屋地区は、昔からトルコキキョウの屈指の産地として知られ、寒暖の差がもたらす花色の発色の良さと品質の高さに評価が高い産地でした。 しかし、突然の原発事故と避難指示によって、その生産も中断を余儀なくされてしまいます。避難先では、農作業などすることがなくなって手持ち無沙汰になってしまった人も少なくない中、邦子さんは仮設住宅の役員などの仕事になり、かえって忙しく過ごされていたそうでした。避難指示が解除となる前から、山木屋地区ではトルコキキョウ生産再開が可能となりましたが、最初は、避難後の大雪などで荒れてしまったハウスの状態を見て、気落ちしたこともあるそうです。それでも、市場の人からトルコキキョウは風評被害がほとんど出ていない、という話を聞いたことなどもあり、家族で相談し、補助金などを活用してハウスなどの施設を再び整備して、再開にこぎ着けたとのことでした。自分はトルコキキョウが好き、と笑顔で言われていたのが印象的です。



  山木屋地区の試験地での継続的な調査の結果、森林におけるセシウム137の大半は、林床部分に止まっているとのことでした。林外の水にもほとんど流出しておらず、森林に蓄積しているそうです。林床でもおおよそ深さ5cmまでの黒くてふかふかした部分にセシウムは止まり、それ以上深い土壌にも浸透していっていないとのことでした。 樹木へのセシウム137の吸収は、樹種によって異なり、アカマツはほぼ全く吸収がないようですが、コナラは微量の吸収・移行があるとのことです。そのコナラでも、現在の状況では、樹皮へのセシウム137の付着の量の方が圧倒的に多いとのことでしたが、今後も状況を見ていく必要がありそうです。




  大内さんは、震災前は、様々なご苦労の末に、ハウスミニトマトの栽培がちょうど軌道に乗り始めたところだったそうです。ようやく一息つけるかと思ったところに原発事故と避難になってしまいました。当時、高齢のお母さんの介護があったため、避難先で複数箇所移動することになるのを避けるため、仮設住宅の建設ができるのを待って、避難されたとのことでした。大内さんも、仮設住宅での役員のお仕事があり、ご夫婦で震災前よりも忙しいくらいの生活を送られていたそうですが、自宅に残して来た飼い犬に餌を与えるために、欠かさず毎日朝晩二回、二時間かけてご自宅に通われていたとのことでした。こなかったのは、大雪で道路が通行止になった時だけで、その時も、近隣の除雪が行われると、途中まで車で乗り付けて、残りは、雪をかき分けて徒歩でご自宅まで通われたとのことでした。 現在は、風評が懸念される食べ物ではなく、アンスリウムのハウスによる栽培を始められる準備を進めていらっしゃるとのことでした。政府や自治体、あるいは専門家による補助や支援は、どのような助けになったか、という質問に対して、そうした公的な支援は全く期待していない、震災前から自分でやって来たし、今も自分でやっている、と言うお返事でした。



2月10日(土)、11日(日)南相馬、小高のいま、未来を共有するための対話集会 ~国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)の協力による対話の継続~ Dialogue to share current situations and the future of Odaka area of Minami-soma City Continuing the dialogue in cooperation with the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)

「福島ダイアログ:南相馬、小高のいま、未来を共有するための対話集会 ~国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)の協力による対話の継続~」
  On 10-11 February,
the " Fukushima Dialogue to share current situations and the future of Odaka area of Minami-soma City Continuing the dialogue in cooperation with the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)"
will be held.

  11日(日)は、南相馬市民情報交流センター 2F マルチメディアホールを会場として、ダイアログを行います。こちらは一般公開となっておりますので、どなた様でもご自由にお越し下さい。


〈10日(土)の現地見学について〉【*要事前申し込み 1月28日〆切】



  Minami-soma City was greatly damaged by the earthquake and tsunami from the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011. After the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company, an evacuation was forced on the Odaka area and a part of Minami-soma City without allowing residents to search for missing persons. After the re-categorization of evacuation areas in April 2011, Minami-soma City was divided into four zones; Restricted Zone, Zone in Preparation for Evacuation in case of Emergency, Specific Spots Recommended for Evacuation, and the normal zone. The population outside of the restricted zone was reduced by 80% at one point, and this caused great confusion to the normal social life of the residents, in addition to the severe damage already caused by the earthquake and tsunami.
  In May 2014, the 8th ICRP dialogue seminar was held at “Yumehat” in the Haramachi area of Minami-soma City. This dialogue seminar focused on complicated situations in the area.

 On July 12, 2016, the evacuation order was lifted from the Odaka area and a part of Minami-soma City, and most of the residents of Minami-soma City, excluding a few homes, could return to their normal lives. The resident population of Minami-soma City is 57,307 (71,561 before the disaster) and that of the Odaka area is 2,289 (12,842 before the disaster), as of 31 October 2017. While the restoration of infrastructure has progressed and social lives have gradually been regained, the recovery in areas affected by the tsunami and where the evacuation order was enforced has just begun, and these recovery efforts have still only reached the halfway point for the areas where the evacuation order was not enforced. In the areas where there was no damage caused by the tsunami, the social structure has been greatly changed due to the prolonged evacuation order, and it will take a long time before the state of social arrangement is able to adapt to the new situation.

  While the difference originating from each situation after the disaster still greatly affects resident’s lives, we will share in this dialogue seminar what kind of challenges exist in this district. There will be a focus on the Odaka area where the evacuation order was lifted in July 2016, and what kind of future we desire, as well as calling for the participation of those who have attended the past dialogue seminars.

2月10日(土)/10 Feb (Sat)

  Minami-soma City field tour *Authorized personnel / available for the general public. Advanced registration is required.
  Reception will be held in Royal Hotel Maruya.

2月11日(日)/11 Feb (Sun)
  会場:南相馬市情報交流センター 2F マルチメディアホール(一般公開・聴講自由)
※原ノ町駅徒歩3分 駐車場:2時間まで無料、以降1時間100円

  Minami-soma City Information Exchange Centre, Multimedia Hall at 2nd floor
*3 min from Haranomachi Station. Parking available (2 hours for free, and 100 JPY per hour of additional fees will apply.)
*Open and free to participate, simultaneous interpretation available by Hirano Co. Ltd.


連絡先:福島のエートス ethos.fukushima@gmail.com



2017年11月25日26日 山木屋ダイアログセミナー資料/25-26 November, 2017 the materials of Yamakiya Dialogue Seminar

山木屋の住民の方たちと現状を共有するダイアログ~国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)の協力による対話の継続~ Dialogue with residents of Yamakiya to share current situations - Continuing the dialogue in cooperation with the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) -
(2017年11月25日、26日、福島県川俣町山木屋/November 25-26, 2017, Yamakiya, Kawamata Town, Fukushima)

11月26日/November 26

はじまりの挨拶 Opening remarks:ジャック・ロシャール Jacque Lochard (ICRP)、安東量子 Ryoko Ando (Ethos in Fukushima)
前日の見学の振り返り Reflections of yesterday's dialogue:テリー・シュナイダー Thierry Schneider (ICRP)

プレゼンテーション Presentation(阿武隈高地のこれまでの歩みと今の状況 History of Abukuma-highland current situation)
近藤昭彦 Akihiko Kondo (チーム千葉大学 Chiba University)
佐藤金正 Kanemasa Satoh (川俣町町長 Mayor of Kawamata Town)
  • 山木屋の概況 Overview of Yamakiya
  • 映像 Video (YouTube)
保高徹生 Tetsuo Yasutaka (産総研 AIST)

阿武隈高地における農業の再開について Restart of agricultural activities in Abukuma region
菅野源勝 Genkatsu Kanno (農振会会長 Chairman of Aguricultural Development Association)
廣野晶彦 Akihiko Hirono (トルコキキョウ農家 Eustoma farmer)
菅野瑞穂 Mizuho Sugeno (二本松市東和:きぼうのたねカンパニー Kibounotane company in Touwa town of Nihonmatsu city)
本田勝信 Katsunobu Honda (米農家 Rice farmer)
大内勤一 Kinichi Oouchi (アンスリウム農家 Anthurium farmer)
山田猛史 Takeshi Yamada (飯舘村:酪農家 Dairy farmer from Iitate Village)
金井裕美子 Yumiko Kanai (広島大学 Hiroshima University)

山木屋の方にとっての現在の状況、課題、将来について会場で共有するための対話 Dialogue to share the current situation, issue and future for the Yamakiya people at the venue
佐藤金正 Kanemasa Sato (川俣町長)、菅野源勝 Genkatsu Kanno (農振会会長)、廣野晶彦 Akihiko Hirono (山木屋トルコキキョウ農家)、廣野邦子 Kuniko Hirono (山木屋トルコキキョウ農家)、大内周一郎 Shuichiro Oouchi (山木屋地区自治会事務局)、廣野 太 Hutoshi Hirono (山木屋地区自治会長)、山田猛史 Takeshi Yamada(飯舘村:酪農家)、保高徹生 Tetsuo Yasutaka (産総研)、大橋庸一 Youichi Ohashi (双葉町)、金井裕美子 Yumiko Kanai (広島大学)、近藤昭彦 Akihiko Kondo (千葉大学)、小林達明 Tatsuaki Kobayashi (千葉大学:副学長)

本日の議論のまとめ Summary:ジャン=フランソワ・ルコント Jean-François Lecomte (ICRP)
まとめの議論・終わりの挨拶 General discussion and Closing remarks