
ICRP Publication 146 発刊によせて / On the issue of ICRP Publication 146

Recently, ICRP (the International Commission on Radiological Protection) issued its Publication 146.

ICRP Publication146

このPublication は、大規模原子力災害事故後の対応について書かれたPublication109と111を、福島での原発事故を受けて改訂したものです。
Publication 146 updates two previous Publications 109 and 111, which apply to the response for large scale nuclear accidents, following the accident in Fukushima.

福島のエートス として、福島県いわき市末続地区で住民のみなさんと協働して行ってきた活動についても、参考事例として掲載されています。
In this publication, our activities are picked up as a reference case, which has been worked on as Ethos in Fukushima in collaboration with residents of Suetsugi district, Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture.

・末続地区の活動に関連して参考資料として掲載された論文と資料リストList for papers and materials referred in relation to the activities in Suetsugi district

  1. Ando, R., 2016. Measuring, discussing, and living together: lessons from 4 years in Suetsugi. Ann. ICRP 45(1S), 75-83.
  2. Ando, R., 2018. Trust - what connects science to daily life. Health Phys. 115, 581-589.
  3. Ethos in Fukushima, 2019. Regaining Confidence after the Fukushima Accident, the Story of the Suetsugi Community. Ethos in Fukushima. Available at:
  4. Lochard, J., Ando, R., Takagi, H., et al., 2020. The post-nuclear accident co-expertise experience of the Suetsugi community in Fukushima Prefecture. Radioprotection 55(3), 225-235.

    また、福島のエートス として参加・協力してきたICRPダイアログ 、その後、運営にかかわるようになった福島ダイアログ についても、言及されています。
    It also mentions ICRP Dialogue, which we attended to and cooperated with as Ethos in Fukushima, and Fukushima Dialogue, which we later had been involved in its operation.
  5. Lochard, J., Schneider, T., Ando, R., et al., 2019. An overview of the dialogue meetings initiated by ICRP in Japan after the Fukushima accident. Radioprotection 54, 87-101.

私たちが福島のエートス の活動として為してきたことは、多くの皆様のご協力なしにはありえなかったものです。あらためまして、ご報告と御礼を申し上げます。
What we have achieved as Ethos in Fukushima activities would not have been possible without the cooperation of many supporters. Taking this opportunity, we would like to report this and thank you again.

Especially, for the No.4 paper which is referred from the publication, people from Suetsugi are named as co-authors, who have been cooperated in the activities in Suetsugi district. Beginning in 2012, we as comrades have struggled for the long eight years in our activities. It is our greatest pleasure to see the paper appears in the publication with comrades' names listed together, recording our activities.

The Japanese translated version of this paper, covering the overall outline of activities in Suetsugi, is now in the process to be published in the Japanese Journal of Health Physics. We will inform you here when it is prepared.

On this website, I have never written my personal thoughts. But on the issue of this Publication 146, allow me to note some of them.

After the NPP accident happened in Fukushima in 2011, I had encountered Publication 111 by chance. Taking it as a guide, I had started the activity in Suetsugi district in March 2012 (actually, some preparations had started since the end of 2011).

Since then, so many things have happened like turbulent waves. Fortunately, our activities in Suetsugi gained a lot of supporters and has borne a tiny but solid fruit. As an overview of the fruit, please find the videos referred from Publication 146, linked below.

ドキュメンタリー:原発事故の後で、信頼を取り戻す・末続地区の経験 (YouTube)

Documentary: Regaining Confidence after the Fukushima Accident: the Story of the Suetsugi Community (YouTube)

Connection between people, to considerate each other, to exchange words, to believe someone... Now I strongly feel that these are the things we had lost by the accident, and we have regained later as the tiny fruit through our activities.

After the accident, too much information, knowledge, and numbers overwhelmed us. Most had been confused by them and had to tend to lose their idea of what was the essential issue.

But I can not help thinking that the point was such a thing how could we live on in the changed world.

People in Suetsugi who I have talked with guided me to the point; what is the reason to live and the meaning to live together with someone.

I would like to thank Mr Jacque Lochard with all my heart. He frequently, a dozen or so times, came to Suetsugi and kindly supported our activities. As he repeatedly visited Suetsugi far away from France, local people became friends with him, saying jokingly "that's enough!" in the phrase of Mr Shinya Endo, who is one of my comrades in Suetsugi. He enjoyed the interaction with them also while giving us appropriate advice. He gave a personal example that friendship can be formed even in a relationship communicated through an interpreter.

Furthermore, I would like to cordially thank Dr Makoto Miyazaki at Fukushima Medical University, who has supported the activities in Suetsugi from the beginning. Always staying behind the scene, he sincerely faced with the data we measured, and with the people living with the data. After the accident, we had to build the process -- not only for the individual dose measurement itself but also for how to interpret and how to convey the data -- through only by trial and error. This could not be done without close communication with him.

What Publication 111 indicates is, as I understand, the importance of being together with people. Not being one-way "for", but "together". I am more than happy to find our examples on Publication 146, which we have traced here after the practices once had done in Belarus.

On the other hand, unfortunately, the Japanese Government and the media only see the numbers in Publication 111. It has been hardly focused on the factor "being together", which is the most important to make the numbers meaningful. A thought noted in my book published in 2019 is still unchanged:

"However, as a result, after seven years Publication 111 have been hardly understood also in Japan. The Japanese Government only picked up the numbers 1, 20 and 100 written in the publication, without understanding the content of the publication, and just automatically applied the numbers to set the criteria. It had never respected the purpose and the spirit of the publication nor applied measures after the accident."
-- Ryoko Ando, Umi wo Utsu [Shooting at the Sea] (Misuzu Shobo, 2019), "Jacques Lochard or the International Commission on Radiological Protection".

I hope that Publication 146 will be better understood, not only for its numbers but also for its meaning.

Finally, I would like to conclude this article leaving a message to people in the affected area of the future nuclear accident.

Everyone in the affected area in the future,

きっと、あなたたちはこれまで経験したことのない混乱と喧騒の渦に投げ込まれ、どうすればいいのか、途方にくれていることでしょう。けれど、それは、あなたたちが最初に経験することではありません。私たちがあなたたちの前にいます。失ったものの一部は取り戻すことができず、その喪失とともに生きていかなくてはならないかもしれません。それでも、なしうることはある。それをベラルーシ で、そして、福島の事故のあとに経験しています。あなたたちは、ひとりではありません。どうか、私たちのことを思い出してください。私たちの思いは、あなたたちと共にあります。
I think you are at a loss at what to do in the midst of turmoil which you have never experienced in the past. But you are not the first ones who face such a situation; we were foregoing in front of you. Maybe you cannot regain some part of what you have lost, and maybe you have to keep on living without it. Even though, there is something what you can do. People have experienced such things after the accident in Belarus, and also in Fukushima. Please remember us. Our thoughts are with you.

2020年12月11日/11 December 2020
安東量子 Ryoko Ando




The post-nuclear accident co-expertise experience of the Suetsugi community in Fukushima Prefecture (RADIOPROTECTION, Volume 55, Number 3, Juillet - Septembre 2020)



Our article on the initiative of radiological protection in Suetsugi district since after  Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident  has been published on RADIOPROTECTION in France.

Main author is Professor Jacques Lochard, and NPO Suetsugi, Our Home Town and those who have been involved with the activity in Suetsugi are co-authors.

The post-nuclear accident co-expertise experience of the Suetsugi community in Fukushima Prefecture (RADIOPROTECTION, Volume 55, Number 3, Juillet - Septembre 2020)

It is our greatest pleasure to be able to put out a collaborative article with our friends in Suetsugi.

We appreciate all of Suetusgi people and those who had supported our activity for a long time.

福島ダイアログ の活動については、NPO法人福島ダイアログ のサイトをご覧ください。

NPO福島ダイアログ では、会員と寄付金を随時受け付けております。みなさまからのご支援とご協力をお待ちしております。

For the information on the activities of Fukushima Dialogue, please visit the NPO Fukushima Dialogue website.

NPO Fukushima Dialogue is always accepting membership and donations. We are looking forward to your support and cooperation.