
2018年12月15日(土)、16日(日) 福島ダイアログ「福島第一原発事故のあとで:記憶を残し、経験を共有し、あたらしい未来へ向かうために」開催のお知らせ/Fukushima Dialogue: After Fukushima Nuclear accident: preserve memory, share experience and go toward the future

「福島第一原発事故のあとで:記憶を残し、経験を共有し、あたらしい未来へ向かうために ~国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)の協力による対話の継続〜」
  On 15-16 December,
the " Fukushima Dialogue After Fukushima Nuclear accident: preserve memory, share experience and go toward the future Continuing the dialogue in cooperation with the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)"
will be held.

いわき市 東日本国際大学 1号館101教室
※いわき駅から徒歩15分 駐車スペース約100台あり
Higashi Nippon International University 101, Building No.1
15 min from Iwaki Station. Parking available.

【Objective of the Dialogue】
  More than seven years have passed since the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Gradually the memory of the accident fades among the people who have been directly affected. And this is especially true for those who have not been directly involved in not only Japan but also abroad. In this context residents of the affected territories have the fear of being abandoned.
  The objective of the dialogue is to share the actions already undertaken locally, nationally and internationally to bring to life the memory of the accident with its consequences but also its teachings. It is also about thinking about future actions to strengthen the sharing and transmission of the experience of the accident to the present generation and future generations.

    08:45〜  受付
    09:15〜  開会
    16:45    終了予定
    17:30〜  懇親会(参加自由、参加費無料)
    08:45〜  受付
    09:15〜  開始
    16:55    終了予定


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