Here we release the videos on the Dialogue Seminar on 11-12 March.
当日の様子については、報告記事 もご参照ください。
Please also refer to the report article.
1日目(3月11日)/ First Day (11 March)
※映像中の防護服着用について/About wearing protective clothing
Upon this visit tour, we wore protective clothing following an instruction from Futaba Town.
This visit tour was authorised as "entry for the public interest" which covers reconstruction works. In terms of this sort of entry, it is required to monitor workers' dose by a national law. Since our visit tour was treated as an entry of business operators and workers, so we followed this rule and had protective clothing on. In the case of an entry of general public, it is voluntary, not required, to wear protective clothing.
参考資料 Reference:
- 基安労発0221 第1号 平成25年2月21日「新たな避難指示区域における復旧に向けた取組について(改訂)」/Measures for restorations in new evacuation-directed area (revised) MHLW, Industrial Health Division Notification No. 0221-1 (PDF/Japanese)
- 厚労省平成23年12月22日付け基発 1222 第6号「除染等業務に従事する労働者の放射線障害防止のためのガイドライン」/Guidelines on Prevention of Radiation Hazards for Workers Engaged in Decontamination Works MHLW, Labour Standards Bureau Notification No. 1222-6 (PDF/Japanese)
Meanwhile, dust sampling monitoring results stay in low level, 0.14 mBq/m3 for Cs134 and 0.90 mBq/m3 for Cs137, at Kooriyama in Futaba Town over the last one month from 1 February to 1 March 2017, which have been operated by Fukushima prefecture.
参考資料 Reference:
- 福島県「平成28年度大気浮遊じん環境放射能測定結果(速報)」/Fukushima prefecture aerosol environmental radiation monitoring results in FY 2016 (Quick report) (Japanese/PDF)
- 大気浮遊じん、その他のモニタリング結果情報/aerosol environmental radiation monitoring results information
2日目(3月12日)/ Second Day (12 March)
挨拶 Opening remarks (英語):ジャック・ロシャール/Jacques Lochard(ICRP副委員長/ICRP Vice-Chair)
前日の見学の振り返り Reflection of yesterday’s field tour (Japanese):安東量子/Ryoko Ando(福島のエートス/Ethos in Fukushima)
"General situation of Futaba Towns" (Japanese) : Kunihiro Hiraiwa (Recovery Promotion Section, Futaba Town)
"Experience of evacuation" (Japanese) : Yoichi Ohashi (the headman of Hosoya District)
"Radiation dose measurement in Ohkuma and Futaba Towns" (Japanese) : Hiroko Yoshida (Tohoku University)
"Land Owners Association of the intermediate storage facilities" (Japanese) : Yukiharu Monma (Land Owners Association of 30-year Intermediate Storage Facilities)
"Preservation of dancing of Sanaza Area Futaba Town" (Japanese) : Yaeko Hangai (Futaba town)
「三字地区の暮らしについて ビデオ紹介」:千吉良高志(三字地区行政区長)
"Life in Sanaza Area (introductory video to be played)" (Japanese) : Takashi Chigira (the headman of San-aza District)
ダイアログ Dialogue (Japanese)
司会:ジャック・ロシャール/chaired by Jacques Lochard
ダイアログ参加者 Dialogue participants :
千吉良高志/Takashi Chigira (双葉町/Futaba Town)
半谷八重子/Yaeko Hangai (双葉町/Futaba Town)
門馬幸治/Yukiharu Monma (大熊町/Ohkuma Town)
門馬好春/Yoshiharu Monma (大熊町/Ohkuma Town)
志賀長久/Nagahisa Shiga (大熊町/Ohkuma Town)
大橋庸一/Yoichi Ohashi (双葉町/Futaba Town)
田中信一/Shinichi Tanaka (双葉町/Futaba Town)
吉田浩子/Hiroko Yoshida (東北大学/Tohoku University)
菅野クニ/Kuni Kanno (飯舘村/Iitate Village)
佐藤紀子/Noriko Sato (南相馬市/Minamisoma)
本日の議論のまとめ Summary (英語):ティエリー・シュナイダー/Thierry Schneider (CEPN)
まとめの討議 General discussions (Japanese)
終わりの挨拶 Closing remarks (英語):クレア・カズンズ/Claire Cousins(ICRP委員長/ICRP Chair)
最後に一言 Adjourn (Japanese) :安東量子/Ryoko Ando
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