下記にあるジャック・ロシャールさんのメッセージにあるように、この記録誌の名称「アトラス Atlas」は、ベラルーシのCOREブログラムのなかから地元の女性から出されたアイデアをお借りしたものです。
ベラルーシでは叶わなかった「アトラス」作成が、時を跨いで、福島のプロジェクトで叶う、というのは、ベラルーシでの活動 ETHOS にヒントを得て始まった私たちの活動の締めくくりを飾るのに実にふさわしいエピソードであるように思います。
- 『末続アトラス』のPDF版(写真カラー)は無料でご覧いただけます。 PDF version of Suetsugi Atlas (photographs in colour) is available in charge of free.
- 冊子(写真モノクロ)でご覧になりたい場合は、AmazonのKDPから実費でご購入いただけます。(KDPでの販売価格はロイヤリティが発生しない設定金額にしています。Amazonへの手数料のみとなり、利益はいただきません。) If you wish to have it in a printed version (photographs in monochrome), it is available in Amazon KDP, sold at cost. The price is only for the commission for Amazon and we do not receive any loyalty.
- また同じく、Amazonで購入できる電子書籍 Kindle版(有料)も写真カラーです。 Kindle version (photographs in colour) is also available, sold at cost.
『末続アトラス 2011-2020: 原発から27km―狭間の地域が暮らしを取り戻す闘いの記録』 "Suetsugi Atlas 2011-2020: A record of struggle for reclaiming life in the district at boundary, 27 km from the NPP"
第1章 Chapter I 末続という土地 The land of Suetsugi 5
第2章 Chapter II 原発事故の衝撃 The impact of the NPP accident 15
第3章 Chapter III 最初の取り組み The first action 27
第4章 Chapter IV 共有知の形成 Creating commonly shared knowledge - Co-expertise process 37
測定 Measurement ――見えないものを可視化する Visualise Invisibles 安東量子 Ryoko Ando 51
第5章 Chapter V 回復の途上で On the way to rehabilitating 62
住民として、相談員として As an inhabitant, As a counsellor 門馬麻衣子 Maiko Momma 65
第6章 Chapter VI 未来へ To the future 71
末続プロジェクトにかかわった人たち People involved in the Suetsugi project 安東量子 Ryoko Ando 77
オルマニーから末続へ From Olmany to Suetsugi ジャック・ロシャール Jacques Lochard 87
巻末資料 References 各種測定結果から見る状況推移と住民たちの反応 Situation changes seen through measurement results and reactions from inhabitants 101
あとがきにかえて Final notes ――末続の人たちはどう放射能に向き合ってきたか? How do people in Suetsugi face radiation? 安東量子 Ryoko Ando 131
内容についてのお問い合わせは、安東量子 ethos.fukushima@gmail.com までお知らせください。
-----ジャック・ロシャールさんから末続のみなさんへのメッセージ Message from Mr Jacques Lochard to people in Suetsugi
To the people of Suetsugi 末続のみなさん
Ryoko san has just informed me that the Suetsugi Atlas is about to be published. I am delighted with this good news because beyond your achievement this Atlas concretizes an idea that had germinated in the mind of a resident of Bragin district in Belarus at the end of the 2000s as part of the CORE program.
At the time we were coming to the end of a project which had lasted 5 years with the inhabitants of the district and during a meeting, a lady from the Bragin department of culture had put forward the idea of bringing together what she had called an 'Atlas' to gather all that had been done in Bragin since the accident at the Chernobyl power station in 1986 and in particular during the last 5 years with the French experts.
Unfortunately, the CORE program was coming to an end and we had not been able to find the funding to support this original project which was proposed as a means of transmitting to future generations the memory of the accident, the experience of more than 20 years to recover decent and dignified living conditions in the district and above all ensure vigilance regarding the evolution of the radiological situation which remained worrying more than 20 years after the accident.
It was obviously a frustration for me not to work with the Bragin people to realize this generous project, and having one day evoked this episode with Ryoko san, I was really enthusiastic when some months later she announced to me that she was developing an Atlas with you and that she would coordinate it.
It was a long gestation but, in the end, you managed to overcome all the obstacles and thanks to your determination and devotion you can now be very proud of the result.
I obviously look forward to holding the Atlas in my hands and leafing through it. I imagine finding some beautiful photos of your village and also some familiar faces. The COVID has kept me away from you all for so long and I really miss you all. That said, I often thought to you and what you realized to recover from the catastrophe and I sincerely hope to be able to return to Fukushima in the spring of 2023 and of course to visit you.
Once again congratulations on making an old dream of a Bragin resident come true. It gladdens my heart.
The CORE Programme in short COREプログラムの概要
The program was supported by international and national organizations that accompanied and supported 146 local projects in the fields of health, radiological quality, education and memory and social and economic development, aimed at protecting people against radiation and improving their living conditions in 4 districts of Belarus during the period 2004-2008. It is in this context that a group of French experts initiated a cooperation with the inhabitants of the Bragin district to develop a practical radiation protection culture among them and thus favor self-help protection actions in order to reduce the internal contamination of people and particularly of children.
Some souvenir photos of Bragin ブラギンの写真
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冬のブラギン |
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なくなった村の名前を記したブラギンのメモリアル |
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ブラギンのマーケット |
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収穫祭。女性はブラギンの伝統衣装を着ている。 |